District Lead Volunteer
Neil Gearing
If you have any Scouting queries, please do not hesitate to contact us
Support Team
The District Leadership Team are supported by:
Squirrels - Vacant
Beavers - Vacant
Cubs - David Celino-Stock
Phantom (Young Leaders Unit) - Eddie Fensome
Activities - Andy Gray
District Nights Away Advisors - Neil Brunsdon, Martin Sweet and Jackie Slingo
District Administrator - Jacqui Wilkinson
District Badge Secretary - Shaun Ford
District Scout Shop - District Trustee Board
District Scout Active Support Manager - Ashley Hambridge
District President - Peter and Wendy McLean
District Trustee Board
Chair - VACANT
Treasurer - Phil Swanston
Secretary - VACANT
Trustee Members:
Neil Gearing
Teresa Gordon
Stephen Newton
Neil Brunsdon
Rob Weller